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hard back with dust jacket which is a lime green with black and white title has a black bowling ball with the Australian logo on with 3 small cut out black and white photos of a bowler preping to bowl

hard back with dust cover with a coloured photograph of Phil Skoglund bowling. on the title page has Denis Duffy signature and Phil Skoglund's

hard back dark green cover with gold title on font cover and spine

hard back dark green cover with gold and black title

A hard covered book "Competitive BOWLS by A.T. EVANS, Welsh International". The back ground is pale green with cartoon style images of bowling balls with a photograph of bowlers across the top.

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hard back book with a dust jacket with a coloured photo of a bowler bowling

A softcover second edition. with a coloured photo of a Henselite bowl

A hardback First Edition. with a coloured photo of a bowler bowling with with 3 bowls and a Jack/kitty in forground

Green and white hardback book with a picture of a bowler delivering a ball.

Hardback cover book with a green band at the upper and lower edges. The cover features a black and white image of bowlers on a bowling green. The spine is detaching from the cover. On the rear are advertisements for other Watney books.

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